Classes / Groups / Clubs
Chair Yoga
1.30pm - 2.30pm
Chair Yoga is a form of yoga that can be practised while seated. Its a form of gentle yoga that helps with reducing stress, improving strength, flexibility and balance just like traditional yoga.
Accessible for anyone to take part no matter what your ability.
£6.00 a session
For more information please contact Laura laura@thesanctuarywithin.co.uk
Come and join in and why not stay for a cuppa and a natter after the session 2.30pm - 3.15pm.
(Please note that the social is run by volunteers and Laura does not run this)

One Stitch at a Time
1pm - 3pm
If you've got a sewing project, or need to spend some time on your knitting, or what about that crosstitch that's been sitting in a cupboard for months?....
.... well, bring it along to Lyng Village Hall and share an hour or so crafting with like-minded folk.
Or just come along to watch and chat, or to learn a new craft - beginners welcome!
A contribution of £2.50 towards refreshments.
For more information contact Alyson Booth - alysonbooth58@gmail.com
Cuppa, Cake and a Natter
10.00am - 12.00pm
Enjoy a cuppa and a piece of cake with fellow Lyng residents at our weekly Community Café.
Anyone is welcome to help out at the Café, so if you'd like to get involved drop us an email: info@lyngvillagehall.co.uk
Cake and bake donations welcome too, so please do let us know if you can help. Thank you.
All proceeds go towards equipment and upkeep of Lyng Village Hall.
Parish Council Meeting
Wed 12th Feb 2025
For full details visit: www.lyngparishcouncil.org.uk
Lyng Parish Council usually meet on the 3rd Wednesday of every other month starting in January.
Meetings start at 19:30 (please check the agenda)
12th March
9th April
Annual Parish Council Meeting
23rd April
We have availability!
We have spaces for your activity!
Do you want to run a class, club or group?
We still availability for a number of classes, groups or events should you wish to book them at Lyng Village Hall, just get in touch.
7.30pm - 8.30pm
Beginners mat Pilates
Monday evenings
Join us for the complete beginners mat Pilates class.
Pilates involves a collection of low-impact exercises that coordinate movement and breath. The focus is on building strength and mobility, improving postural alignment and strengthening core stabilizing muscles.
The class involves hands on support and coaching to ensure you get the best out of your session.
Sessions are 50 minutes. Book in advance to avoid disappointment.
£8 drop in. 2 and 4 pack sessions available at a reduced rate.
Please contact Sandra direct to book:
Or via FB messenger

Family Art Class
4pm - 6pm
Classes are suitable for all ages and will teach you techniques in sketching, watercolours and other mediums to develop your own style and release your creative potential.
Please bring your own equipment - art pad, hard and soft pencils, sharpener, rubber and bring your own refreshments.
Come along to sessions whenever you can. Regular attendance ensures you get the most from what Scott can offer in way of experience, he also offers 1:1 sessions, please text for further information - 07557550127
Adult £2.50
Child £1.50
Family £6.00 (1-2 adults with 2+ children)
Children under 16 must be accompanied by an adult (if the adult is not participating, they don’t have to pay).
Zumba® Gold
1.30 - 2.30pm
A low impact dance fitness class suitable for all ages. No dance skills required, just come in trainers or suitable footwear and wiggle, laugh, have fun and meet new friends!
Just £6 per session, pay as you go.
Zumba® Gold was designed for the active older adult, beginners, and people who are not used to exercising, or for people who may be limited physically. Same great Latin styles of music and dance are used as classic Zumba®. Classes strive to improve balance, strength, flexibility and the heart.
Contact Zumba® Lucy lucybrooks2017@yahoo.com
10am - 12pm
We are a group of keen badminton players of varying standards. We play at Lyng Village hall on Thursday mornings from 10am to midday. We charge £5 per person per session which helps to cover hall hire and shuttle costs. If you are keen to play but don’t have a racket we can supply one.
For more information contact Bob Tooby.
Email bobtoobyretired@gmail.com
Cost £5 (age 16 yrs+)
Little DuckLyngs
Stay & Play
9.30am - 11am
Little DuckLyngs 'Stay and Play' is 9.30-11am every Tuesday morning during term time, with toys, craft and activities suitable from birth to 4yrs old.
It's £2.50 per family per week to stay and play, including tea/coffee for grown ups and a healthy snack for the children.
Booking will be required so that we can manage numbers and maintain the necessary details for health & safety - BOOK NOW
More info:

The Lyng Players
Amateur Dramatic Group
6.00pm - 8.00pm
The Lyng Players are a new amateur dramatic group, run by Alan Sarbutt-King, meeting regularly at Lyng Village Hall usually 6.00pm - 8.00pm, please contact Alan so we can manage numbers if you are interested in taking part or being a crew member.
We are a group of enthusiastic amateurs so no previous experience necessary, come and have some fun!
Anyone is welcome to attend, for more information email Alan - alan22fsk@yahoo.com
Blazing Paddles Pickleball
6.30 - 7.30pm | 7.30 - 8.30pm
Adults only (16+)
Pickleball is a paddle sport that combines elements of badminton, tennis, and table tennis. 2 or 4 players use solid paddles made of wood or composite materials to hit a perforated polymer ball, similar to a Wiffle Ball, over a net.
Please contact Harvey on 07484 841015 for more information and to book your place.
£4.50 per person per session. Your first session is free!
PLEASE do check to see if an activity is running by getting in touch with the relevant contact.